Education System in Indonesia Because Of Pandemic Covid-19

In education sector, pandemic Covid-19 has changed education system. Before, learning process is generally be held in a face-to-face manner (offline), but during pandemic covid-19, it has to be held online.

Pandemic Covid-19 also has some positive impacts or advantages for students and society. Here are positive impacts of pandemic Covid-19 in education system of Indonesia.

In applying, teacher and student have learnt to be more practical in learning process. Students not only have to focus to the learning activity, but they also have to try to manage their time to study, doing homework, paying attention to home situation.

Online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to student. Online learning has a number of tools such as videos, PDFs, Podcasts, and teachers can use all these tools as part of their lesson plans. Teachers are able to become more efficient educators by extenting the lesson plan beyond traditional textbooks to inclune online resources.

It allows students to anttend classes form any location of their choice.

Another advantage of online learning is reduced financial costs. Online education is far more affordable as compared to physical learing. This is because online eliminates the cost points of student transportation, student meals, and others.

Since online classes can be taken from home or location of choice, there are fewer chances of student missing out on lessons.

Every student has a different learning journey and a different learning style. Some students are visual learners, while some students prefer to learn through audio. Similarly, some students thrive in the calssrom, and other students are solo learnesrs who get distracted by large groups.

Online class also brings some negative impacts. After know its positive impacts, here are negative impacts of pandemic Covid-19 in education system of Indonesia.

Now, after understanding what the advantages and disadvantages pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia, especially with online learning, it brings the new impacts in education system in Indonesia after pandemic Covid-19.

Yap! According to experience from education situation during pandemic Covid-19, there is a thought about education in Indonesia after pandemic.

Online Class Will Still Exist…

Online class (in Indonesia, we called it daring) will be “a way of learning” that still be applied to many education institutions, because have created new inovatif study culture and independent learning. Every education institution needs to be given freedom to apply online class, while improving the monitoring aspect.

Every education institution also perhaps needs to know what platform that can be the best to be applied to the circle.

In implementating online class concept, it needs regulation from KEMENDIKBUD that regulate about presentation online class that be able. Let’s say, offline class must be 70% and online class must be 30%.

The result after combining online learning and offline class is Blended Learning. According to Mosa (in Rusman, 2011), Blended Learning is a combination between learning in class and online, or learning by using internet and website basis.

According to thesis S1 by Nursamsyah from UNPAS, Analyzing Difference Among Online Learning, Offline Learning, and Blended Learning, He found out that Blended Learning during pandemic has presentage average 85,36%, Online Learning 41,86%, and Ofline Learning 64,58%. Blended Learning is capable to improve motivation and independent learning of student. Independent learning of student is improved that be signed by student that active searching any knowledge (refrensi) in online library, duscussing with friends and teacher.

To apply online learning, especially blended learning, Teacher and student have to be up to date with technology. Now, the correlation of online learning during & after pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia. Personally, I believe that teacher and student have been up to date with technology because they used to always use many technologies that created different learning style during pandemic Covid-19. So, after all become normal and Covid-19 have dissapeared, they will not feel difficult to occasionally apply online learning and blended learning.

That is a little result of education system in Indonesia after pandemic. Talking about education system, so we are talking about an extensive system. As far as I see, there is no significant change in education system of Indonesia before and after pandemic, except during pandemic because It brings many learning styles.